Escapade - Old School Review

Company: Escapade
Rooms: Old School
Address: 23 Victoria St East, Auckland, New Zealand

I have done a number of rooms at Escapade in the past and they were very enjoyable with very nice theming and puzzles.  Escapade opened recently their Old School room and I hoped it would be just as enjoyable as their previous rooms. Their staff are always nice in they present themselves and the company.

Old School is based on a school room with 2 identical rooms so if you have a large number of people you can play at the same time head to head. The rooms are advertised with up to 6 people per room but I would suggest a maximum of 4 people . 2 people are very doable if you have played escape rooms before.

The 2 identical rooms are situated on the 4th floor of the building, unlike their existing rooms and at the time I played the building elevator was out of service so we had to walk up the stairs to the location. There seemed to be of building working done also at the location unrelated to the escape room.

The room (theme wise) was very underwhelming compared to their other rooms. It looked they had taken a couple of spare office spaces from the landlord and quickly inserted some props/locks to create an escape room.  This was a major let down compared to their other great rooms which are really well done.

Gamewise (the puzzles) they seemed easy enough (after I got the hang of the way they were doing with the puzzles) but with only a couple of clues I got out with a few minutes over (with 2 people). A non-English or non-native speaking person may have issues with the room due to a number of the puzzles.

I would suggest people do the other rooms first (or miss this rooms out completely) as this one was personally disappointing.  I still need to go back and do a couple of their other rooms as their older rooms were a lot better.

- Craig


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